Александровские чтения-2016 | 22-26 мая 2016
Участник: Бешимов Рузиназар Бебутович
Имя: Бешимов Рузиназар Бебутович
Название: On the functor of semiadditive \tau-smooth functionals
Город, страна: Ташкент, Узбекистан
Организация: Ташкентский Государственный Педагогический Университет
In the work we investigate categorical and topological properties of the functor $OS_{\tau } $ of semiadditive $\tau $-smooth functionals in the category $Tych$ of Tychonoff spaces and their continuous mappings, which extends the functor $OS$ of semiadditive functionals in the category $Comp$ of compact spaces and their continuous mappings. It is proved that the functor $OS_{\tau } $ is significantly different from the functor $O_{\tau } $, as it preserves the preimages and nonempty intersections of closed subsets of Tychonoff spaces. One of the main results is that the functor $OS_{\tau } :Tych\to Tych$ is normal.

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